Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Enjoying the Midwest

Eliana Grace Kunkle

We are in our last week of a three week jouney to the midwest. I love this place. It is such a new world when you have been in another country or just California. So we love being in Church here and signing hymns and sitting in pews. We love being asked what kind of POP we want to drink. We love paying $1.65 for gas!!! And we love the gentle fall of white winter snow... (We also love that we wont be here for the next four months to shovel said snow!)

Mostly I am enjoying my family. I have a six month old niece Eliana who I met. I have a 5 week old nephew Noah who I just met. And I love haning out with my parents and family. It goes so fast!!!

See you soon, California...

Noah William Kunkle