Saturday, March 8, 2008

Growing up Fast

Well Gina's Post on Riley's new shoes made me think about how fast our kids are growing up. And I ran across this photo of Drew and Joe in our sink in the apartment on Signal St. Time has flown since those days. What happy memories we had there in that little apartment in Ojai. We love you Ojai people.


frisky said...

I think you should try to re-create that picture! See what the boys would say. I can just imagine the look they would give you!! LOL!

hestermom said...

Aww...just think how long of a bath I could have if I could just fit in my kitchen sink!!! Oh, well.

Rebecca said...

Yeah, I know what you mean. :)

Christine H. said...

OOOOh, that picture conjured up all kinds of memories...dropping off Amber (then Autumn)...picking them up (was it both?) after youth group and staying for brownies and milk and talking for hours...then taking down that bulletin board and cleaning that kitchen the day you hoo!...wait, let's go on to some more happy memories...Amber's first "sleep-over" where she squezed all the toothpaste out of your tube...Drew's birthday parties...stamping thank you cards for our upcoming dual baby shower...hating Jeff for having a black widow spider in a jar outside the house (Oh yeah, I remember EVERYTHING!). Miss you all! : )

Christine H. said...

Okay, I didn't really HATE Jeff. But it did give me the ba-ge-bies!