Friday, March 7, 2008

39 Weeks...

Hello again... Another week and still 1 cm. I have nothing very new to report. The baby still sounds great and is measuring right on target. My Dr said if nothing has happened by next Thursday she would talk to me about induction. I really don't want to go that route unless the baby is in distress, so please pray with me that things get started soon. Thanks for all your support...


frisky said...

I was SO scared to be induced with Keira, but honestly, it was probably one of the best labors I had. I was only 4 days late (I so "only" very loosely).
Everything was so much easier I couldn't believe it. Of course the epidural helped with that, too. Although there is another story about my epidural, but I'll wait till after you have the baby :)
So don't put inducing completely out of your mind.

hestermom said...

Heidi, I am so glad you posted, I have been wondering if Petite had arrived. I will be praying for you...but I will say this as well, I had to be induced with Noah (they thought I was a week overdue!). I was so scared, but it was my easiest delivery as well. I kept having contractions, two min. apart, then they would go away. They finally gave me Pitocin, and 2 hours later he was born!! It was not as bad as I was dreading, and (I think) the pitocin actually helped me push him out, or it felt that way. P.S. When he came out, they realized he was probably still early. Go figure! I will be praying for a wonderful delivery, and for things to get going on their own. And if God chooses another way, then I will pray for His power to be made perfect for your delivery!! =)

Rebecca said...

Go, baby, go!! We'll be praying that he or she decides to show up sooner than that. But if you do go the pitocin route, don't feel bad for getting an epidural. Artificial labor can be a little less forgiving. But hey, it's quick!

heidibelle said...

Thanks for all your advice ladies. I am not sure about Gina's comment on her epidural... :) I am afraid to ask. I have not had one yet, but I would really like to have one this time. We'll see how it goes. I am not afraid to be induced really, I just wanted it to happen when the baby is ready. I know thought that there is a risk to babies if you let it go too long and they are no longer getting nourished. So I will pray for wisdom. Thanks again... I'm going to take the kids to the park tomorrow for a fun outing!!!

Christine H. said...

Wow, baby #4 wants to take her (that's what I'm vying for) own sweet time! I agree with Becky, "Go, baby, go!"