Tuesday, March 11, 2008


The rest is history... but I thought I would post what Heidi was going to post as we ran out the door to have a baby.

I woke up this morning around 7 am after a much more fitful night than usual and started having fairly painful contractions every 10-30minutes. Not too regular, but they are hard. I will post more before I leave for the hospital...

Well it is almost 11pm. The contractions are really hard, but still anywhere from 5 minutes apart to 20 minutes apart. Man this hurts... :)

Well it's almost midnight. Jeff fell asleep really fast. I really want to sleep, but I can't.


Rebecca said...

I'm so glad you got to do it induction-free and all, but man! That's a long time to have hard contractions like that. (As Jeff sleeps!) :)

Congratulations on the studly baby boy! He looks a lot like Joe to me.

Christine H. said...

CONGRATS, again!