Friday, April 18, 2008


I have been wanting to blog... but I type so slowly one handed and I'm usually only in front of the computer when I'm nursing. So... things are going well. Zach did get a cold so pray he gets better soon. We are still up once or twice a night. I could relate to this cartoon. Although Jeff said he would take a night feeding sometime soon, so I'll let you know if that works out. We are excited to see Jeff's brother Jim, his wife Becca, and our new nephew Caleb tomorrow. Yea!!! I'll put up some photos of the little cousins after the weekend.


frisky said...

Oh, how I remember those days....

Christine H. said...

I should have taught you how to nurse hands-free when I saw you last weekend(don't even think about making that snide comment about...)
: )

Christine H. said...

Oh, I love the comic, too!

heidibelle said...

OK Christine... I will refrain from making that comment again... but hands free would definently be a plus. I played Bingo tonight at our Church and it would have come in very handy!!!

Rebecca said...

I don't think the sleep counts if it's less than six hours straight. But I'll take what I can get, as I'm sure you do. ;)

And we're all about the hands-free nursing over here. But sometimes those pictures of the long-breasted women in Africa haunt me.

frisky said...

whip it over, Momma, whip it over.
(You know what I'm talkin' about, right Heidi?)

heidibelle said...

Yes I do Gina... I hope I never make it to the point where that is possible, but at the rate I'm going... you never know. At least I would fit right in in Mali. :)