Monday, February 11, 2008


OK... I remember this now from previous pregnancies. Insomnia. I am sitting awake at 1:30 AM, staring at lights blinking outside my window. Then thinking about things I should do tomorrow. Then wondering why I am thinking at all as the clock strikes 2:30 AM. Just go to sleep I tell myself. Why doesn't that work? So finally I hop (that is really not the right term to use at the point in my pregnancy) out of bed and check email and get caught up on reading my friends blogs. How much am I going to regret this in the morning I think? But what can I do? I CAN'T sleep...

36 weeks and counting...


Anonymous said...

I hope La Petite lets you get some rest now and again before arrival! I'll be praying for you tonight.

Just watched the video---EXCELLENT!!!

Big hugs!

heidibelle said...

Thanks Sheryl... I plan to sleep better tonight. And I'm glad you liked the video. We were pleased with it.

frisky said...

Oh yeah, I remember those nights. Hopefully Jeff doesn't snore like Billy did. That was the only time his snoring ever bothered me, when I was big pregnant.
I'll start praying for you to get some rest... quickly too, times a wastin'!!

Christine H. said...

Oh, how I remember those days! But then, the organizer in me just saw it as an opportunity to clean out another closet. You should have seen the hall closets while I was pregnant...immaculate!