Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Wow it has been too long since I have blogged. I know this because I usually read others blogs around the same time I blog myself. And I have 61 blog entries to catch up on. Probably wont get that done tonight! I just wanted to share the joy in my life of homeschooling. I was given a lot of homeschooling material by a sweet lady in Monterey. Most of it was Sonlight curriculum. We are anticipating a departure for France sometime in the fall. And since I wanted to try out homeschooling while still here in the USA with resources for help, I decided to give it a try now. Yes... actually now. I am going to give Drew and Joe a week off after they are through with school, and then we are getting started on Kindergarden and 3rd grade. The cool thing about homeschooling is you can make your own schedule. Then if we want to take a week off for VBS or vacation, we can do that too. I did ask the boys if they even wanted me to teach them and if they wanted to do school this summer, and they both said YES! I will also be attempting to teach some preschool to Harley. (Pray for us there!) Anyway... I'm excited to give it a try and will let you know how it goes.